LOVE HOUSE™ – Where Real Love Lives!
Your LOVE HOUSE is the spiritual, energetic, and mindful space where your experience of love lives today, and has been living with you your entire life.
From the foundation and experience of your childhood to the framework constructed through adolescence, to the ‘walls’ and boundaries built through adulthood and past relationships, and most importantly, your personal relationship with God; your Love House is one the most powerful constructs influencing your experience of life and love today.
Therefore, your LOVE HOUSE cannot stand, without first being formed on a strong foundation of faith and a personal relationship with Jesus. So, if you’re ready to experience extraordinary love, and the partner God has always had waiting, then it’s time to build your LOVE HOUSE, so real love, can move in!
It’s Time for a Restoration!
By following your 11-step Love Design Faith® process, you are about to discover God’s true intention for love in all areas of your life, while also making yourself ready for extraordinary love and the right partner.
From your mind, to your body, your soul and spirit, to the way you live, work, date, and play, your LOVE HOUSE build gives you all the tools necessary to create an extraordinary love life, especially that which in the end, can only come through truly knowing and having a relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Build Your LOVE HOUSE™
Know, that your Love House build may at times be uncomfortable, as you will be learning and stretching yourself beyond your comfort zone! The results will be worth it though, as you learn to love, honor, and lean on God, not just yourself, in all areas of your life, as you will soon see God has already magnificently orchestrated!
Let’s start building!